Jabsco 是世界上的产品制造商,为休闲海事市场包括水系统,引擎冷却泵,探照灯以及海上污染系统提供产品。
Jabsco is the world's leading manufacturer of products for the leisure marine market, including water systems, engine cooling pumps, searchlights and marine pollution systems.
Jabsco also provides industrial pumps for the fields of hygiene, fluid transfer in chemical processing, laboratory, paint processing, coating and construction.
The rotary pump is a type of positive displacement pump. The sanitary rotary pump has two categories: circumferential piston (ECP) rotary pump and lobe rotary pump. Jabsco's new ultra clean and hygienic positive displacement cam pump integrates the hygiene design concept, and can meet the increasing demands of customers for plot, hygiene and small and independent.
This 316 stainless steel design uses a double wing rotor, including the characteristics of a three lobe cam rotor pump and a plunger pump. This technology is based on Jabsco's 40 years of rigorous and demanding market positioning in the world.
- 严格的卫生标准:易冲洗平头转子螺栓避免了产品滞留,无凹槽平面泵盖避免产品进入驱动轴,泵腔及转子自排空流线设计,避免产品滞留,少化的产品区过流部分活动部件,避免O环磨损脱落危险
-Strict hygiene standards: easy to flush flat head rotor bolts to avoid product retention, non grooved flat pump cover to avoid product entering the drive shaft, pump cavity and rotor self emptying streamline design to avoid product retention, minimize the flow of some movable parts in the product area, and avoid the risk of O-ring wear and fall
- 低廉的运营及维护成本:前置机械密封可以从泵的前端轻松取下,无需拆卸泵腔。该设计拆装简单快捷,小化停机维护及更换机封时间。同时由于机封得到充分润滑,大大延长机封使用寿命。机封后端自动定位设计,装配时无需调整轴向间隙,减少认为因素造成泵体磨损及划伤。
- 双翼转子及钝化转子设计,处理产品温和高效,小化对产品剪贴破坏。适合用于剪贴敏感类产品如悬浮的颗粒,生物蛋白,酸奶等
- 可靠的设计:高承压加粗轴承,在正常使用工况下,高质量滚动轴承可使用一百万小时
1741 24950-2310 S/N.J00347 ;31820-0494
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Canqin Industry (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
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